May 4, 2009

Cleanse for Life

Why is Cleansing Important for Healthy People?

Impurities and Nutrient Deficiencies Pose a Huge Health Problem in America.

Cleansing the body at an internal level is a very hot topic, and for good reason. We navigate through a world consisting of an overabundance of herbicides, insecticides, petrochemicals, heavy metals, synthetic drugs, food additives, and heavy metals. These toxic and often dangerous impurities have been shown to have an adverse effect on our cells, internal organs, and ultimately our overall state of health. Unfortunately it is often impossible to escape the continuous exposure to these substances.

Not only do we live in a highly toxic environment, but we are bombarded with foods that are altered - both genetically and chemically. Our soils are poisoned with chemicals and pollution and depleted or stripped of their nutrients.

Many of the foods that grow from these depleted soils do not supply the essential nutrients and building bloks our bodies require, They are just empty calories. Think of it this way: by the time carrots or peas or beans are harvested from nutritionally depleted soils, are processed and make their way to a can, jar, or bag that sits on the grocery store shelf, they are essentially vegetables that my look nice but with very little nutritional value.

A body that is nutritionally bankrupt is an invitation to illness and disease. Most illnesses are preventable with proper nutrition.

There is a Solution - Nutritional Cleansing Provides new Levels of Wellness.

Incorporating the revolutionary concept of Nutritioal Cleansing, the Isagenix Cleanse for Life(TM) super drink addresses the issures of impurities and nutritional deficiency head on. Created by master Nutritional Formulator John Anderson, CLEANSE FOR LIFE (TM) is the foundation of all Isagenix Nutritional cleasing and health maintenance systems and is a cost effective way for you and your family to recapture your health and vitality.

Cleanse for Life(TM), the flagship product of ISAGENIX, is a synergistic blend of minerals and trace minerals, gentle cleansing herbs and key nutrients that support the cleansing process. using only the highest-quality, uncompromised ingredients, Cleanse for Life (TM) enhances the body's ability:
  • to remove impurities,
  • boost energy,
  • shed extra pounds,
  • burn fat,
  • reduce cravngs,
  • balance mood,
  • and improve digestion.

CLEANSE FOR LIFE key ingredients include:

  1. Ionic Minerals - Catalyst for Wellness
  2. Ionic Alfalfa
  3. Aswagandha
  4. Burdock root
  5. Pau D'Arco
  6. Aloe Vera
  7. Peppermint Leaf
  8. Yellow Dock
  9. Fennel Seed
  10. Suma Root
  11. Licorice Root
  12. Eleuthero
  13. Antioxidant Blend of Berries

With these key Nutrients, CLEANSE FOR LIFE (TM) Supports Your Vital Organs

  • Cardiovascular system
  • Liver
  • Intestinal Tract
  • Kidneys
  • Skin
  • Brain
  • Thyroid